Home Inspection Report
Pre-Purchase InspectionHome Inspection Report will include comments on every Building Component of Your Home
- Lot grading and drainage , downspouts
- Landscaping , tree observations
- Garage / carport and accessory buildings
- Exterior walls , windows and doors
- Porches , decks and handrails
- Roofing , gutters , chimneys and skylights
- Attic ventilation and insulation
- Interior walls , ceilings and floors
- Kitchen and bathrooms , exhaust
- Basement and crawl spaces
- Foundation and structure
- Heating and cooling system
- Electrical
- Plumbing system
- Maintenance and repair recommendations

Home Inspection Report reviews Lot grading, drainage, downspouts, windows, doors, exterior, foundation – leaks, structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbingPeace of mind that comes from knowing that your home has been inspected by a skilled professional who is committed to his work. A thorough Home Inspection will make your lifelong dream of owning your own home a pleasant and rewarding experience instead of a nightmare filled with unexpected repair bills by identifying deficiencies that could amount to thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars over time arising from faulty structural problems , leaky foundations , mold , mildew , leaky building envelope , improper construction techniques , and other items that may not be visible to the untrained eye. While your potential new home is being inspected , existing features of the house such as windows , shingles , furnace , air conditioning and all major components that make up the home are being evaluated for life expectancy and future repair / replacement costs.
Examples of Important Items Covered in an Inspection Report Checklist
Lot Grading and Drainage is extremely important
Surface drainage must be directed away from your foundation and flow into swales that carry the surface drainage either into rear yard catch basins or from your backyard to your front yard and ultimately onto the street. These two types of drainage are illustrated below