Why should I get a Home Inspection?
Peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home has been inspected by a skilled professional.Why should I get a Home Inspection?
A Home Inspection can be used as a contingency clause in your purchase offer. This clause provides you with a way out of your deal, if costly defects are revealed during the home inspection. Problems in a home can amount to tens of thousands of dollars, if the home is not thoroughly inspected.
- Deficiencies will be labelled as either a safety issue, major defect, or minor defect
- Items requiring replacement / repair / or service will be documented
- Systems/items that currently function as required but should be monitored closely will also be documented
After the Home Inspection you have a few options
If the Home Inspection reveals significant issues that either pose a danger to health or are just too expensive to repair, you can walk away from the purchase agreement. Other issues discovered during the Inspection, large or small, can be negotiated between the buyer and seller. This is where the inspection pays for itself many times over.
Bottom Line – Home Inspection
A home inspection will cost you a little bit of money. In the long run you’ll have peace of mind. Don’t skip this important step in the home buying process. I am fully Insured for Errors and Omissions and Liability, before you hire anyone else ask to see Proof of Insurance. When you hire me, you get a Professional Inspection at a competitive price. No Franchise Fees/ Free Books/ or Hidden Costs for you to pay. City of Niagara Falls Letter of Reference
How Long is a Home Inspection? Should I be present?
A Home Inspection can last two to three hours. If major defects are identified the Inspection may last longer, or you may just choose not to purchase the home. You should be present for the inspection to get a first hand explanation of any deficiencies. Deficiencies will make more sense if you see them first hand instead of relying on a photograph in a report.